The mission of the Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce is to create a favorable community environment for business and industrial opportunity, enhancing the quality of life in the Three Rivers area.
Your Chamber works for you by:
Developing Local Industry
Your Chamber has been instrumental in the realization of a Certified Industrial Park, which will aid in recruiting new businesses to the Three Rivers area. Your Chamber continues to work with the Three Rivers Industrial Development Authority, City of Three Rivers, St. Joseph County Economic Development Corporation, area utility firms and others to recruit businesses to the Three Rivers Area Enterprise Park and other industrial facilities around the area.
Forum for Important Issues
Your Chamber provides a forum for area government representatives to discuss issues and plan for community growth through the Government Relations Committee. We also host “Meet the Candidates” Political Forums.
Coordinating Special Events
Your Chamber coordinates special events, such as the Water Festival and the Fall Color Tour which attract visitors to our community and increase area visibility in the state and region.
Providing Business Information
Your chamber keeps on hand a variety of publications on small business, as well as other sources of business-related data and information.
the Area
Your Chamber promotes the Three Rivers Area through planned communication channels, such as news releases and articles, and individually through personal contacts.
Your Chamber provides helpful information and publications to newcomers, tourists and others who inquire about Three Rivers and the surrounding area.
Your Chamber works closely with the River Country Tourism Council to promote St. Joseph County as a tourist destination.
State & National Voice
Your Chamber is a member of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce and the United States Chamber of Commerce, thereby giving our member organizations a voice at the state and national levels.
Enhancing Business
Your Chamber works with organizations such as the Three Rivers Downtown Development Authority and the City of Three Rivers to enhance the vitality of the business community.
Promoting Education
Your Chamber promotes quality education through the support of Educational Institutions and in partnering with Glen Oaks Community College to offer seminars and classes.