Are you making the most of your Chamber membership?
Becoming a member of the Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce comes with many benefits. Some membership benefits include:
- Chamber News – Chamber News, the Chamber’s weekly electronic newsletter, highlights community and activities and enables members to share news about their businesses – expansions, new products, personnel changes, etc.• Early Bird Breakfasts – These early morning gatherings provide a tasty meal, valuable information on timely topics, and an excellent opportunity to interact with other members of the business community.
- Business After Hours – These events are a time for socializing, networking and refreshments. The event provides opportunity for a Chamber member business or organization to showcase their facility.
- Annual Dinner – Held in the fall, the Annual Dinner enables members to celebrate the accomplishments of the Chamber year, honor volunteers, mark the transition to new leadership, look forward to a new year.
- Annual Golf Outing – The Chamber’s Annual Golf Outing provides a fun, exciting way for business people to network in an atmosphere other than an office setting. Good food and a host of laughs are included.
- Membership Directory – Member businesses are listed in the Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce Community Profile and Membership Directory, a professionally-produced, magazine-style publication
- Member Group Insurance Plans – The Chamber works with various agencies who provide: Auto, Health, Life and Business Insurance and offer a discount exclusive to Chamber members.
- Member to Member Discount Program – Chamber members and their employees receive discounts at fellow member businesses (restaurants, services, etc) by showing a discount card issued with your Chamber membership.
- Website – The Chamber provides worldwide exposure for its members by listing them on its Web site ( The site features information about the Chamber and the Three Rivers area & Calendar
- Business Referrals – Referrals are an important part of our member benefits. We receive many requests for information and refer them to Chamber member businesses.
- Seminars – The Chamber sponsors seminars on a variety of business-related topics. These seminars provide an affordable means for upgrading the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in business.
Other ways the Chamber works for you:
- Political Forums
- Economic Development
- Tourism
- Water Festival
- Small Business Growth
- Political Advocacy